Monday, November 26, 2007

Once more, a couple of idiots are killed in an accident

and Paris starts smoking.
Fires are raging in the banlieue tonight. Two boys aged 15 and 16 riding on a mini-motorcycle (prohibited on the road) hit a police car this afternoon in Villiers-le-Bel. The boys, who weren’t wearing helmets, were killed. Hundreds of enraged men and boys are tearing up the neighborhood.

Let's see, two teenagers, check. Illegal for street use, check. No helmets, check. Crash and are killed, check. Adherents of the Religion of Submission rioting and burning, check. And it couldn't possibly be the fault of the kids, check:
Interviewed by Le Parisien, the uncle of Moushin Souhhali, one of the victims, says he understands the rage; it’s terrible to lose a 15 year-old boy. His body, claims the uncle, was dumped at the fire station with no respect. The police who, in his opinion, caused the accident were nowhere to be seen. He heard they were speeding. His nephew was a good boy, not a delinquent.

It's usually terrible when some dumbass kid dies for being a dumbass: it's worse when it's used as an excuse to riot and burn. The last time, two tried to hide in a power substation when running from police, got into the equipment and were electrocuted(fault of the cops, of course). This account doesn't say if the cops were chasing the kids or if this was a straightforward accident, and it doesn't really matter. Because these clowns were going to use any incident as an excuse for the next riot. " the uncle..." " his opinion..." "He heard..." And the inevitable "...was a good boy, not a delinquent."

Uncle, maybe someone there said it, but there's nothing in the articles I've seen calling him one. And it doesn't matter. He did the kind of thing that regularly gets teenagers all over the world killed. It doesn't necessarily make him a delinquent, it just means that he was one of those for whom doing something dumb came with the death penalty. Unless there's something nasty that nobody is talking about, for you to 'understand the rage' and excuse the rioting based on that is disgusting. You're either unhinged with grief, or using this as an excuse for illegal acts. One is regrettable; the other is cold and disgusting.

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