Monday, November 26, 2007

Continuing the theme of 'Saudi Arabia: The Enemy or

Simply Disgusting?'
" it seems her attorney will lose his law license for handling her defense too aggressively."

More here:
Lahem is accused by the prosecutor general of "belligerent behavior, talking to the media for the purpose of perturbing the judiciary, and hurting the country's image," according to an official letter he received Monday.

Since he started practicing law almost five years ago, Lahem has defended clients whom other lawyers refused, including a school administrator suspended for criticizing the religious establishment, a man convicted of promoting homosexuality for saying it was genetic, three political reformists seeking a constitutional monarchy, and the first Saudis suing the country's powerful religious police.

Lahem said that losing his license would be a blow to the country's budding human rights movement.

"If I am banned from practicing law, nobody will dare go up against the judiciary again," said Lahem, a slight man with a limp from a childhood accident. "If I win, it will open a new chapter for human rights in Saudi Arabia."

Ever notice how many muslim/predominantly muslim countries have laws that'll put you in prison for 'hurting the country's image'? Which can consist of saying "Your Honor, you are a poopy-head." Kind of sensitive, aren't they?

Except when it comes to ordering lashes for rape victims, of course.

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