Tuesday, November 06, 2007

More on the canaries in the mine

Found a link to this at Insty this morning, I'd suggest anyone who reads this go and read the entire article(and read Kim's take on it, too). It's about the resurgence of Jew hatred in Britain. Which is a flat amazing thing: aside from the usual groups of idiots, it's something I'd never have thought would flourish so over there.

Two places I'd like to quote here. The first:
But a subtler reason exists for Britain’s embrace of the new anti-Semitism. After the Second World War, the radical Left set out to destroy the fundamentals of Western morality, but its campaign played out very differently in America and Britain. In America, it resulted in the culture wars, with conservatives, many churches, and sensible liberals launching a vigorous counterattack in defense of Western moral values—and, as it happened, Israel.

Exhausted by two world wars, shattered by the loss of empire, and hollowed out by the failure of the Church of England or a substantial body of intellectuals and elites to hold the line, Britain was uniquely vulnerable to the predations of the Left. The institutions that underpinned truth and morality—the traditional family and an education system that transmitted the national culture—collapsed. Britain’s monolithic intelligentsia soon embraced postmodernism, multiculturalism, victim culture, and a morally inverted hegemony of ideas in which the values of marginalized or transgressive groups replaced the values of the purportedly racist, oppressive West.

That pretty much covers what a lot of the 'progressive'(i.e., commies without the integrity to say it) types wanted- and want- to do here. Makes me wonder, where would the world be if they'd succeeded?

The second:
Further, people across the political spectrum became increasingly unable to make moral distinctions based on behavior. This erasing of the line between right and wrong produced a tendency to equate, and then invert, the roles of terrorists and of their victims, and to regard self-defense as aggression and the original violence as understandable and even justified. That attitude is, of course, inherently antagonistic to Israel, which was founded on the determination never to allow another genocide of Jews, to defend itself when attacked, and to destroy those who would destroy it. But for the Left, powerlessness is virtue; better for Jews to die than to kill, because only as dead victims can they be moral.

This is EXACTLY what we're facing with the "Don't be judgemental" crap the 'progressives' are constantly trying to shove down our throats(unless you're judging someone/something non-pc, that is). And it covers very well the attitude of so many of the GFW clowns and 'peace at any cost' fools trying to destroy the 2nd Amendment. Long time ago I wrote about people I knew who truly believed that to resist an attack with violence made you morally as wrong as the attacker; as Kevin puts it, they see no difference between 'violent and predatory' and 'violent and protective'. Which, in this case, extends to 'if Israel didn't use violence, Peace would come'. Which is amazingly idiotic. If Israel didn't use violence to protect itself, it would cease to exist in a bloodbath that might make the ghost of Ghengis Khan shake his head in wonder. But that doesn't matter to the PAAC* weenies: what does is that Israel is bad for using violence in self-defense, and that- and the very existence of Israel- justifies terrorism and hatred of Jews in general. It's not moral equivalence: it's giving moral priority to murderers and rapists who destroy lives and attempt to destroy history as well.

To quote Quint, "It's enough to piss of the Good Humor man."

*Peace At Any Cost

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