Tuesday, November 06, 2007

"...convicted the Met of breaching health and safety laws..."

for killing an innocent man.

Want your blood pressure spiking? Or depression moving in? Maybe both? Check that article out.
A jury at the Old Bailey convicted the Met of breaching health and safety laws by putting the public at risk on the day Mr de Menezes, an innocent electrician, was mistaken for a suicide bomber.
The trial judge, Mr Justice Henriques, said a "corporate failing" was to blame for the tragedy - leading senior MPs to say that as head of the Met Sir Ian should take overall responsibility and step down.

It was Sir Ian's personal decision to contest the case, which has cost the taxpayer £3.5 million, despite "overwhelming" evidence of a series of blunders by his force.
Think about that a minute. Not "You effed up and killed an innocent man, and must be held responsible", or "Improper use of deadly force", but "breaching health and safety laws". Damn.

And in a way this sums up some of the socialist garbage we're dealing with, too:
Mr Justice Henriques, who fined the Met £175,000 and ordered it to pay £385,000 costs, said: "There was a serious failure of accurate communication which has not been explained."

He said a heavy fine would have resulted in a loss to the public purse and reduction in essential policing.

Because God forbid the agency actually get some kind of spanking it might pay attention to: it would cost the government money! Sounds a little like the crap we hear after a botched SWAT raid on the wrong home or on a bad tip gets someone injured or killed: "The officers followed department policy in their conduct, so there will be no action taken against them." Because God forbid we actually hold them accountable for screwing up in one or more ways and injuring/killing/destroying the home and life of someone.

I know I'm jumping around a bit here; I'm just so damn sick of crap like this.

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