Thursday, May 17, 2007

Range day

Having survived(and remained conscious throughout) another shift at work, and it being a very nice day outside, I loaded up some stuff and hit the range. Nothing serious, mainly just to get out and shoot and enjoy it.*

Real hit for that was the Martini Model 12(written up here) and a box of Eley Sport. I have lots of favorites, but for fun .22 slowfire, this is it. Between the sights, trigger and balance, it just makes hitting the target seem easy. Working the lever, loading another round, lining up and squeezing off just kind of go in a rhythm that keeps putting holes right where you want them(within reason). And occasionally you have the joy of some guy with a fine bolt rifle and BIG scope wondering why he can't group as well as that damned old thing?

Putting a box of .22s downrange with a tool as nice as this makes for a fine part of a day.

*Side note, the last couple of nights as I left for work at oh-dark-thirty, there was some bird singing. I think a mockingbird; sounded just as happy as if the sun were shining. I didn't know they sang after dark.

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