Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Be it stated(again) that John Edwards(Dipshit)

and Harry Reid(Enemy buttmonkey) are a couple of sorry excuses for human beings.

First, to the "I need my $400 haircuts) Silky Pony Edwards, and his little example of 'supporting the troops'. This little scumsucker has, barring the rest of the field all being struck by lightning or a meteorite, zero chance at the Oval Office, once again demonstrates just what he is.

And Reid, in a measure that will undoubtedly be trumpeted as a 'great act of courage' by surrender monkeys and socialists in general, made it known that "he'll allow a vote this week on the Feingold-Reid amendment, which would cut off funding for the war by March 31, 2008."

Slight problem: he still doesn't have the balls or integrity to just put the measure up for a vote, so he's "he's attaching it to the Water Resources Development Act Reauthorization."

Chickenshit little bozos are STILL playing games with funding for the troops, and doing this crap too. Once again: "Lamppost, rope, politician: some assembly required"

Added: more on Edwards here; key line :
What kind of cynical political beast would profess to all that—noting a direct threat, recognizing a Security Council that was acting out of its own financial interests, claiming that his own reading of the intelligence led him to believe Iraq that was attempting to acquire nuclear weapons, and saying categorically that no, he wasn’t misled in his vote to go to war—and then call for us to pull out, leaving the Iraqi people hanging out to dry, and virtually insuring that the middle east becomes further destabilized?

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