Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Next time New Orleans floods,

not a damn penny of other people's money should be sent there. Instead, let's import alligators and water moccasins. Because so far we've sent X-billions of dollars there, and- along with the other crap that's been documented- we now get Ray Nagin(Cowardly Jackass/NO) saying there's a 'government plot' to keep blacks from coming back to NO.

Couldn't have anything to do with an incompetent like Nagin(Brainless Twit/NO) being in charge, could it? Couldn't possibly have anything to do with some people, having moved to other places, finding the living better, could it? Etc.

Well, if Nagin(Generally Stupid/NO) wanted to ensure his place in the Race Warlord Poverty Pimp* Hall of Fame, this should do it. Assuming the crap coming out of his mouth before this wasn't enough.

Take on this from RNS
*thanks to Denny for the label

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