Tuesday, March 20, 2007

As The Englishman says,

"Sometimes national stereotypes are too easy a target"

A FLUFFY polar bear cub called Knut, who has become a media celebrity, should be given a lethal injection according to German zoologists, who say he has become too dependent on humans.

That little bastard! How dare he live?!?

“Hand-feeding is not appropriate to the species and is a grave violation of the animal protection laws,” said Frank Albrecht, an animal rights campaigner. “Legally speaking, the zoo should kill the baby bear. Otherwise it is condemning the bear to a dysfunctional life and that too is a breach of the law.”

A bear cub. In a zoo.

The question is whether Knut’s offspring would be capable of independent life or whether they too would be dependent on human support.

So apparently if you keep a cub alive, and it grows up and sires other cubs, they'll magically be too dependant on humans. 'Course, seeing as how the polar bear population has inconsiderately continued to grow, causing much gnashing of teeth among those who need them to be disappearing to help prove globular warmering, would someone please explain to me what the big damn problem is with having this cub grow up in the zoo? This one or some other?

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