Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I may have to see '300'

just because it ticks off the right people. Lefties and islamists and twits, oh my...

Speaking of twits, over at Eternity Road is this piece on the hysterical reaction(in many cases) to The Great Global Warming Swindle, and for that matter damn near any questioning of the Global Warmening concept. Isn't it just wonderful that a scientist questioning an idea is now(along with anybody else, but scientists in particular) equated with being a Holocaust denier? Apparently the idea of rigorous questioning and challenges to an idea to prove it right or wrong isn't considered 'science' any more. At least by the politicians and twits.

Continuing to speak of twits, how about taking a kid out of their home by force and keeping them in a psychiatric facility for being homeschooled? I mean damn, with what's happening in the world, the Germans can't find something for the police to do that's more worth doing than this crap?

Damn, it's late. 'Bye.

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