Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hey, Sen. Obama,

got your 'nobody suffers more' right here:

Interviewer: "Let's talk with the two children of the jihad-fighting martyrdom-seeker Rim Al-Riyashi, Dhoha and Muhammad. Dhoha, you love Mama, right? Where did Mama go?"

Dhoha: "To Paradise."

Interviewer: "What did Mama do?"

Dhoha: "She committed martyrdom."

Interviewer: "She killed Jews, right?"

Interviewer: "How many did she kill, Muhammad?"

Muhammad: "Huh?"

Interviewer: "How many Jews did Mama kill?"

Muhammad: "This many... "

Oh, aren't they so cute! And they'll blow up so soon themselves.

Oh yeah, they deserve, they NEED a whole country of their own. I repeat, pre-civilized, bloody-handed murderers.

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