Monday, February 19, 2007

Naw, the Brady's & Co. don't want your hunting gun

Unless they can get it

A guy found this on the Brady blog and posted it:
The tragic proliferation of Sniper Rifles

I would like to take a moment to comment on the proliferation of Sniper Rifles.
Sniper Rifles are typically equipped with a high-powered scope, and every single one of them can blow through the body armor cops wear. They can even penetrate multiple police cars. Does the Second Amendment protect cop-killer Sniper Rifles? The NRA certainly thinks so, along with the powerful gun lobby that wants your children and your law enforcement officers to be at risk from these weapons of mass destruction.

So, your scoped hunting rifle or target rifle is now a 'weapon of mass destruction' that puts all the kiddies and cops at risk.

Some of these Sniper Rifles can even penetrate ballistic or armored glass, lightly armored vehicles, and armored limousines. Senator Ted Kennedy attempted to solve this with an important bill that would have banned armor piercing ammunition and protected lawful firearm commerce:

"Another rifle caliber, the 30.30 caliber, was responsible for penetrating three officers' armor and killing them in 1993, 1996, and 2002. This ammunition is also capable of puncturing light-armored vehicles, ballistic or armored glass, armored limousines, even a 600-pound safe with 600 pounds of safe armor plating.....

..It is outrageous and unconscionable that such ammunition continues to be sold in the United States of America.."

Yes, that would be the old .30-30, or .30WCF as it was originally know when it came out so recently. In 1894. That must be some kind of deer rifle ol' Swimmer tested; only way I can see a .30-30 puncturing 'light-armored vehicles...even a 600-pound safe' would be if you gave it a depeleted uranium core and boosted it to about 6000fps. 'Course, that would turn the rifle in to shrapnel, but maybe Swimmer(Drunk-Hypocrite, MA) is a bit fuzzy on facts.

Should our elected officials live under the threat of reprisal on their lives from disgruntled constituents? The Gun Lobby seems to think so. We disagree.

Considering some of the crap they come up with, some elected officials should live under the threat of something; it might make them connect back to reality.

Sniper Rifles can be equipped with precision optics above even what the Military uses, allowing a sniper to deliver rounds within millimeters of accuracy - enabling them to engage targets at distances of well over one hundred meters. Is there a pressing need to be able to kill with accuracy at that distance? It is too far to justify as self defense. It is too far for hunting. It is only useful for those who wish to murder from afar.

Hehehehehe, 'within millimeters', 'well over one hundred meters'. God, these people are amazing! I'd point out to them that lots of matches are shot at far over that range, and shots at some game are often over 'one hundred meters', but I think he probably knows that, and just doesn't care to interrupt his tirade about 'sniper rifles' with facts.

Large caliber Sniper Rifles such as the .50 Browning Machine Gun can derail freight cars, shoot down aircraft and helicopters, damage vital ground equipment such as power substations, fuel tanks, and air traffic control, and cause complete chaos. For more information on why large caliber machine-gun rounds must be banned, visit A shipment of large caliber machine-gun round sniper rifles made by Steyr turned up in Iran, and are being used on our own soldiers, as the .50 bullets easily defeat their body armor, their up-armored humvees, and even APCs.

Now THAT is a new one, a .50 can 'derail a freight car! This must be using one of those Type C Sub-Molecular Explosive Bullets(assuming they existed).
You'll notice that an enemy country using them against our troops is reason to ban them from us revolting(in both senses) peasants.

Many forward thinking, progressive politicians such as Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama have voted against Center-Fire Rifle Ammunition of types for Sniper Rifles, but due to the pressure and massive financial resources of the gun industry, the necessary steps to protect our homes and lives have not been attained.

Ah yes, forward thinking 'progressives', who seem to think stomping the peasants into line and banning anything that makes them wet their pants is a Good Thing. I guess it is, if you think the same kind of socialist crap that's fallen flat everywhere in the world will work here("We'll do it again, only more and harder!*). Note also that it's apparently ALL centerfire ammo, as I've never seen a box labeled 'for Sniper Rifles'.

Sniper Rifles have been used by murderers and spree killers for years, with notable incidents such as the Beltway Snipers, the Clocktower Sniper, and more.

ANY rifle configured and equipped as a sniper rifle has no sporting purpose especially as a hunting rifle. They are too big and heavy to take to the field. Designed for distance shooting, they are useless for the ranges at which game animals are normally shot, and when used on sporting sized game at range they often just wound the animal, inhumanely forcing it to die slowly while the would-be hunter tracks it to finish it off. Most Sniper Rifles fire atypically large cartridges and ultra high velocity ammunition that can travel much greater distances that standard ammunition. The danger imposed from missed shots and ricochetes from these specialty rounds is unreasonable.

You'll note he's not too specific about 'configured as a sniper rifle' other than 'it has a scope and will reach out more than 100 meters'. And this is downright idiotic: they're 'designed for distance shooting', but 'useless for the ranges' of hunting(remember, that's less than 100 meters); super powerful, but can't cleanly kill an animal. Flat amazing.

Most of these rifles carry multiple rounds, with either an automatic mechanism, or a quick toggle action to rapidly move another bullet into the breech, ready to fire into another victim. In most states, they are nearly unrestricted. Anyone over the age of 18 can buy one. If they can't pass a background check, they skirt the NCIS system by going to a gunshow, or finding a private sale in the newspaper. A murderer camped at a distance from a public gathering could quickly turn it into a massacre dwarfing anything we have seen before in the United States, if they had a Sniper Rifle. If they adopted hit and run tactics, entire portions of our country could be shut down.

Actually, sir, an 'automatic' mechanism is strictly regulated. Or do you mean 'semi-automatic'? They're not quite the same, you see. And apparently my old Model 94 is screwed, scope or not, as lever-actions are the only 'quick toggle action' I've ever heard of. John Wayne or The Rifleman and a loop lever, anyone?

And apparently this asshat somehow thinks that a terrorist planning mass murder would be stopped cold by 'A New And Improved Gun Ban Law'. Doesn't stop day-to-day dirtbags, but maybe terrorists will be more accommodating to his ideals.

Sniper Rifles shoot a high powered bullet that is almost always fatal. They are designed for one thing- delivering powerful overkill with deadly precision. You don't need the kind of power and accuracy that can kill a man at five hundred yards for hunting rabbits or defending your house.

But it can't kill a deer at whatever the hell range this guy has decided(for this paragraph at least) is 'normal' hunting range. I repeat, amazing.

We should also give commendations to France because many years ago they designated any firearm capable of shooting military ammunition as a military arm, illegal to posess without a special permit and unlawful to use for hunting. The 223, 308, 7mm mauser, 30-06, and 6.5x55 have no place in the hunting fields of France. Firearms shooting these calibers are military weapons only designed for killing PEOPLE and should be kept out of the hands of the general population. Because they have no hunting purpose, there is no reason for civilians to own them.

Somehow, I knew he'd work the Wonders of France into this. Not familiar with French firearms law, but I have a certain feeling he's full of crap. Among other things, considering the old .30-06 is still one of the most popular hunting cartridges in the world his saying it has 'no hunting purpose' is insane. Same for the others.

Every state in the USA has hunting equipment rules that limit the caliber of firearm used to take game. They also limit the types of rifles, length, magazine capacity, etc. States should amend these hunting regulations to restrict the use of "sniper" rifles, specialty "sniper" cartridges, and "sniper" ammunition. Limits on weight, barrel length, bipods and tripods, thumbhole stocks and pistol grips, night vision type scopes, scopes of excessive magnification, super magnum and high velocity ammunition, and military slings should be imposed. They have no place in the hunting fields of America and hunting usage should not be used as an argument for civilians to own such firearms and weapons. There are more than ample hunting rifles, cartridges, and rounds of ammunition to choose from without them.

Hate to tell you this(not really, but go long here) but the reason they regulate the caliber is generally to make sure you're using a cartridge that has plenty of power for the game in question, not to make you use a smaller one. And what the hell is a 'scope of excessive magnification'? That depends on what you're hunting or the range your target is at. A 'military sling' does not a damn thing except give a way to carry the rifle, again he seems to think low-powered ammo is all you need to hunt with... etc., etc. I take it back, this isn't amazing, it's bloody pathetic.

Let us hope that in a safer, saner America, we will succeed in our efforts to restrict the deadly spread of long distance murder rifles."

In other words, 'Let's name every possible feature that might be found on a rifle and say that makes it a sniper rifle, so we can ban them all!" Kind of like Kerry & Co. going through a catalog to find the features that made them loose bladder control and decreeing that two or more of them make a firearm a 'assault weapon'.

But they don't want to ban your 'legitimate hunting gun', oh no....

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