Sunday, February 18, 2007

Demo #832 that the damned PC mindset is going to get us all killed


Remember the jerk who started shooting people at the Empire State Building ten years ago? Guess what the authorities didn't mention:
After insisting it wasn't a political attack for ten years, now his family admits that it was indeed an attack in service of the jihad against Israel.
"A Palestinian Authority official advised us to say the attack was not for political reasons because that would harm the peace agreement with Israel," she told The News on Friday. "We didn't know that he was martyred for patriotic motivations, so we repeated what we were told to do."

Here's where the PC mindset comes in:
But three days after the shootings, Kamal's family got a copy of a letter that was found on his body, they said. The letter said he planned the violence as a political statement, his daughter said.

"When we wanted to clarify that to the media, nobody listened to us," she said. "His goal was patriotic. He wanted to take revenge from the Americans, the British, the French and the Israelis."

This means that the NYFC PD had this letter, and the FBI damn sure knew of it, and the family told the media he did it for political/islamic reason and none of the bastards thought fit to mention it to us peasants.

Please also note this at the end of the Jihad Watch post:
"He wrote that after he raised his children and made sure that his family was all right he decided to avenge in the highest building in America to make sure they get his message," said Linda, who works for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees....

So this sorry little bastard brings his family here, to Great Satan HQ, to 'raise his children and make sure the family is all right', and then murders people here in the name of Allah 'to avenge'. And his daughter works(why am I not surprised?) at the effin' UN.

And not a law enforcement agency or the God-cursed major media we're supposed to trust thought his doing it to 'martyr' himself was worth mentioning.

Multiple layers of editors my ass, more like multiple layers of censors.

Update: I'd forgotten this about good ol' 2nd Amendment Supporting Giuliani:
At City Hall, Mayor Giuliani attempted to shift the focus toward gun control. He was accompanied by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., whose husband was killed and son wounded in the 1993 shootings on a Long Island Rail Road commuter train that killed six people and wounded 17.

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