Friday, September 29, 2006

The squirrels are revolting!

In more ways than one

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- An aggressive squirrel pounced on a 4-year-old boy in an attack last week in Cuesta Park in Mountain View, Calif.

Ok, a couple of weeks ago it was racoons whacking cats; now the squirrels are getting nasty.
as many as six people have been bitten or scratched by squirrels since May, and that the attacks have become more ferocious in the last month.

Mind you, the little bastards can bite the tax reform act out of you, clawing the while. But have no fear, the standard responses are up:
Officials say they'll trap and kill the nasties, and
Wildlife advocates also oppose the unusual measure of killing the animals and said it won't solve the problem.

"The squirrels will be back," South Bay wildlife rehabilitator Norma Campbell said. "For every one you take out, two more will come in. It could be a never-ending project that isn't going to accomplish anything."

Two back for every one? Sounds to me like a way to feed the homeless.

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