Friday, September 29, 2006

About the lack of forging posts,

sorry 'bout that. Reasons are time(I could always throw something else out and make some time) and physical problems. Specifically, my elbow. I've got a persistant problem, possibly caused/aggravated by lots and lots of heavy hammering over time.

Which really sucks. The stuff I most like to make, namely blades, requires lots of hammering for the bigger ones. On some, depending on the stock you start with, LOTS of hammering with a big hammer. Which I flat cannot do; after a couple of minutes that joint says "I don't want to anymore" and that's that. If I plan ahead and start taking naproxyn the day before I can get some done with no problem, but I dislike taking stuff like that long-term. Which is what it would take to do very much of it.

This is why I can't do some exercising either. Chris at Anarchangel has mentioned his joint problems, and that he has to eat naproxyn like candy to keep things working with a minimum of pain, and it affects how much exercise he can do. I used to do sets of twenty pushups; now I can get three at best before the elbow gives out, and weights or sword practice is equally touchy(though I can do light weights fairly well).

So I do plan to do more forging posts, but it will take a while to do much of it.

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