Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ref the 'Hadji Girl' video

South Park Pundit has the lyrics posted here, and other posts about the matter. I shall now enlighten you:

CAIR(Council on Islamic-American Relations) is a bunch of jihadi sympathizers who want to take over the country. They have raised money for terrorist groups, they have given support to the murdering wastes of oxygen, and are generally whining, treacherous little shits who are using this video- misquoting, taking out of context, etc. all the way- to cause problems for the guy who performed it and to generally crap on this country. They can kiss my semi-redneck ass.

The Marine Corp has been treating the Marines and the Navy corpsman being held in the Haditha investigation like crap. Worse by far than the freakin' terrorists at Gitmo are treated. Either the Marine Corps pulls its collective head out of its ass and starts doing this right- which, by the way, includes NOT desperately trying to find something to charge the singing Marine with in order to appease the bacon-porkers at CAIR- or I'm going to wind up losing a lot of the respect I've had for that organization.

"Ooh, ooh, CAIR and the islamoweenies are mad! We've got to DO something!!!" Take a damn pill and get over it, guys. And tell CAIR to shut the hell up, the whining little shits.

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