Friday, June 16, 2006

Again, the wind is blowing like hell,

stronger than yesterday I think. Didn't feel too bad this morning, but after being out in it a while... The wind keeps it from feeling quite as hot at first, then it starts giving the effect of a blower pumping air through a furnace. And it's a south wind, so the humidity is up.

Right now there's a big line of storms moving out of the TX panhandle, they're currently thinking they'll move through this area after midnight. Having quieted down a bit, I hope. We need rain, but I'm not fond of the weather trying to outdo the song; 'sweeping down the plain' my ass, when it's like this and it rains it powerwashes the plain and any other thing out there.

One of the problems with the internet is precisely that there's so much good stuff out there. Mixed around with a lot of crap, but there. So there's never enough time to read through the base sites you read, and hit the links, and check out the new stuff that leads you to, etc. Hit Anthroblogogy for the first time in a while, and in this post he points out something others have also hit on the San Francisco gun ban:
The proof in the delusional pudding was that they actually thought the ordnance was "a reasonable, narrowly tailored restriction on handgun possession," In fact it illegally outlawed possession of handguns by all city residents except law enforcement officers and others who needed the guns for "professional purposes", (the Left always makes an exemption for their security apparatus) and forbidden the manufacture, sale and distribution of all guns and ammunition in San Francisco -- which lends a new definition to what narrow means, unless it's narrow-minded.
Which is why fighting these clowns is so hard. How do you reason with someone who thinks a total ban is 'a reasonable, narrowly tailored restriction'? Now, you do have to consider the possibility that they're lieing through their teeth; that they full-well know that it's a total ban and just lie about it to try and push it. But these clowns may well think that a total ban IS 'reasonable' and 'narrowly tailored'; after all it leaves the minions of government and the security people who protect the 'elites' armed, doesn't it?

Blah. Sorry leftist nanny-state fascists.

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