Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Oh yeah, it was Bush and the Fed's fault

those people died and were stranded in NO. Never mind people in other areas getting along, never mind anything but IT WAS BUSH'S FAULT!!!


Over at Wuzzadem, there's this interesting piece. Remember the people who drowned in that nursing home? " A ranking Louisiana health official turned down federal offers to help move or evacuate patients as Hurricane Katrina bore down on New Orleans, a newly released document shows. ... Two days before the Aug. 29 storm, HHS was told by the state's health emergency preparedness director that the help was not needed, according to an e-mail released Monday by a Senate panel investigating the government's response to Katrina."

So, let's see, a mayor who ignored his own damn emergency plan, a governor so busy playing games she couldn't make a decision, a police chief so apparently crooked and stupid he couldn't get the job done, an offer to evacuate people on the last train out of town turned down, and now we find the incompetent bastards turned down an offer to evacuate patients two freakin' days before the storm hit. And the lies and ass-covering and rights violations and bullcrap since...

At this point, unless the people down there throw every one of these clowns out of office(I'm hoping the folks who had their arms stolen, especially the lady, get their ten pounds of flesh from every jackass involved, from the mayor and chief down to the officers and National Guardsmen who helped), screw sending money down there to rebuild. I'm sick of this crap coming out and the vile people involved still standing there with their damn hands out.

Yeah, I'm pissed. People died, often miserably, and these bastards just keep playing games.

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