Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Jeez, like I need another reason to buy those cookies.

The Danish butter cookies. They're good. And now, buy getting a can(or two) I can help to piss of Wahabi BPMs by screwing with their boycott of Danish goods.

Short version if you haven't heard about this crap, some Danish cartoonists did cartoons of Muhammad and a Dane newspaper printed them. Queue up the outraged screaming of Islamist weenies all over, demanding the cartoons destroyed, the cartoonists and editor and Danes in general fired, destroyed, etc., for having the temerity to not do what they're told by their Islamist masters. So some countries have announced boycotts of Danish goods, so some folks have said, "Let's buy Danish!". Which sounds like a fine idea on several levels.

To get the idea across to these clowns: People? There's this thing called 'freedom of speech' in much of the western world. It exists to various levels, and some PC-minded idiots are constantly trying to limit it in the interests of 'fairness' and 'sensitivity'(by their standards), but it is a good thing. Whether the Koran allows for it or not. You don't like it, and we don't care. Freedom of Speech includes, HAS to include, people you don't like and ideas you don't agree with or it isn't. The most of us like it. We put up with assholes who call themselves artists putting a crucifix in a glass of urine and founders of this country being insulted and denegrated; and WE can point out- loudly- that Che' was a murdering cowardly buttmonkey to castro and that Islamist rule is a blight on mankind and that said artists ARE assholes.

And, no matter how much you scream, it means we do NOT have to live by your rules. Lair can do 'Ask Mohammed' to his hearts' content, Chris can do Team Infidel and Steve can say "Tell me I'm not wonderful. I'm sitting by the pool with my Koran, half in the bag, smoking tobacco, drinking beer, cooking swine, and listening to a Jew play the piano." and wonder about the level of wife-beating appropriate- according to the Koran- for burned toast. Anyone who doesn't like it is free to say "That's not nice or sensitive!" and they're free to reply "Bite me".

And it's been pointed out before, every time you call for nukes in D.C. or smallpox in Kansas City, you really, really don't know what you're messing with. This First Terrorist War has been played with great restraint on our side. Piss us off enough, and 'restraint' will become "Well, we don't have to kill all of them". And while you may think we wouldn't use, for instance, nukes in any case(I think you're wrong), do you really, actually believe that people like Putin and Chirac won't? They've proven in the past what they'll do if it'll maintain their power and prestige; they will wipe a city and then demand their foot be kissed for acting 'as necessary'. Iran has actually caused Chirac to speak of how France can and will use their nukes 'if needed', you think a former KGB bigshot would be any less willing?

But that's off the subject, which is "We can say/speak/write/draw what we want, and if you don't like it that's too bad. We'll keep doing it, and if you think a few casual beheadings and torturings will stop it... well, there are some who'll wimp out, but in the end there's an awful lot of people who'll come after you. And won't stop.

So you can kiss our collective ass, grow up, and act as civilized beings, which means understanding that everyone isn't going to live the way you tell them to. No matter what Mohammed wrote.

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