Tuesday, September 13, 2005

NO gun theft roundup

Over at Geek with a .45, posted here is the situation as it currently seems to be.

In short, apparently enough people remembered their oath to the Constitution, and generally called bullshit on this idea, and enough people saw what a pile of crap was landing on the heads of anyone who was part of this, that it went away.

As the Geek put it, that's not good enough. Homes were invaded, property was stolen(no, I don't call it 'confiscated', I call this theft; heard of anyone getting their property back yet?), people were held at gunpoint and- as the video of that lady shows- physically abused. Those who did this crap need to pay the price for it. Violation of peoples' homes and rights MUST carry a price, and a high one.

As the man said, to those who remembered their oath, and what's right, applause. To the others, screw you.

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