Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Enough hot air to float a blimp

That's what's coming out of the Senate hearings on Roberts. My God, it's hard to believe that any human being with enough working brain cells to attain the position of Senator can work so hard to show idiocy and childishness in public.

I haven't been watching all the hearings; no cable, and not enough patience anyway. I have been hearing bits and pieces, and it's confirmed two things: first, that the Senate has just about the biggest collection of arrogant jackasses in the world, and second, Kennedy and Biden really and truly suck.

Think about it; spend most of your time for questions talking, finally ask a question- we'll pass on whether the question makes sense or is at all fair- and then keep interrupting and wheezing and bitching so as to prevent the answer from coming out. If I were chairman of a committee like this, I'd have a switch for each Senators' microphone so I could turn the damn thing off, and after the second time telling someone to let the witness answer I'd turn theirs off until the answer was complete.

Of course, they see the place as the 'most exclusive club in the world', and no member would do such a thing to another member, now would they? They damn sure should; clubs generally demand at least a modicum of manners from members, and these clowns seem have all the manners of a spoiled 5-year-old.

How we've made it this long with clowns like this making it to such high office, I don't know. Divine intervention, maybe. Every time Leahy starts flapping his lips, especially demanding to be given classified or confidential information, I remember how his own pursuit of camera time and attention("I'm important! I'll prove it by telling you the classified information I just found out!") got him kicked off the Intelligence Committee. Which is why a certain radio personality started calling him Senator Depends. And yet he keeps being reelected. Just like Kennedy and Biden and a number of others.

"We have met the enemy, and they is us", indeed.

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