Monday, May 23, 2005

Oooh, the U.N. is getting pissy

Found this article, with 'unusually forceful' comments. Let's see,

"Secretary General Kofi Annan's chief of staff called the United States an "ungainly giant" that only plays by its own rules, criticizing the U.N.'s largest donor in unusually strong terms Sunday."

We already know you don't like us, especially when we don't suck up to you and don't let your corruption slide. And most of us don't care.

"This ungainly giant of a nation that has led the world in advancing freedom, democracy and decency, cannot quite accept membership in the global neighborhood association, and the principle of all neighborhoods _ that it must abide by others' rules as well as its own,"

There is no 'global neighborhood association' there's the U.N., which has shown that it's not trustworthy, is bigoted, and thinks that it ought to be telling us how to run our lives, sucks up to dictators, and wants us disarmed. Fuck you, ain't gonna happen.

"Malloch Brown's comments, provided to The Associated Press by the university, were unusually forceful for an organization whose leaders tend to abide by an unwritten rule of not criticizing member nations."

Really? Since when? I've not noticed the leaders having any problem calling names at anyone who's a: not a dictator and b: not sucking up to the 'leaders'.

"Earlier this week, a congressional committee drafted a bill that threatens to withhold tens of millions of dollars in dues from the United Nations unless the world body conducts wide-ranging reforms. Malloch Brown and several other officials have said the idea will only isolate the United Sates."

Hey, stupid, most of us don't care if you think we're 'isolated'. We might be seen as 'isolated' from your crooked bureaucracy, but we have lots of contacts, business and personal, with other countries; stop being such a bunch of theiving, raping, child-molesting bigots and we might start trusting you. Until you give us actual reason to trust you, we'll keep our damn money.

By the way, notice that what really gets these clowns worked up is the thought of getting by without us giving them money?

"Malloch Brown noted that the United States has already set itself apart in its opposition to the International Criminal Court and the Kyoto treaty seeking to mandate reductions in emissions."

The ICC is a piece of crap which has been used- as predicted- for political ends, and we're not putting our people under the control of this 'International Court'. And you mean the Kyoto Accord that everyone whined at us about when their own countries wouldn't sign on to the damn thing?

What we have here is the U.S. is pushing for an accounting from people who have been using their positions to steal and rob and rape, and they're huffing and puffing and demanding what makes us think we have any standing to question them? because they know that without our money, and our- at least- tolerance of them, they're screwed. Listen, idiot, you want our money? We want an accounting for what's done with it, and where it goes, and thieves punished. And damned if we're going to put control over our lives into the hands of assholes who put Cuba and Libya on the Human Rights committee. And who think us peasants can't be trusted with arms. Or any of a number of other things you sorry little bastards want to do to us.

In the vernacular of the web, FOAD Mr. Brown.

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