Tuesday, May 24, 2005

He's not dead yet!(maybe)

Well well, here we have a report that Zarqawi may have been seriously wounded and is in bad shape(pause for cheers to die down).

Excellent. My main question is whether it's better to find his dead body or find him still alive, so at the end he knows we got him. I'm sure he'd like to simply vanish, so his 'legend' can live on, so I'll take either one.

No, I have no sympathy or forgiveness. This is sorry waste of oxygen that thinks mass murder of women, children and unarmed men is 'battle'; that thinks cutting someone's head off on camera is a brave act; that has overall tried to keep away from fighting troops because they shoot back; who had no problem with Saddam murdering by the tens of thousands yet is driven to rage by people voting in a real live election. Say hello to the bacteria, Zarqawi.

Instapundit asked if it would be unChristian to hope for him to develop gas gangrene, and someone replied 'yes, it would be'. Ok, so let's hope for the Morrigan to take him instead; he deserves it.

Time to die, Z. And I hope it's hurting.

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