Saturday, May 28, 2005

I know I say this a lot, but

go over to Smallest Minority to this one and this one, from Britain.

First is a shopkeeper who's been assaulted repeatedly, what do the police do? Give him a DNA sample kit so the next time the jerks spit in his face, he can take samples. Unless they cut his throat or beat him to death or shoot him the next time, of course.

Second is Kevin's take on the idiotic knife-ban proposal. He covers it in more datail than I did.

I've said it before, stick a fork in Britain, they're done. Unless something changes drastically and fast, they're forever screwed. Honest citazens are treated as criminals if they even think too hard about defending themselves, objects are blamed for what criminals do, and criminals are treated as poor victims to be 'understood' and compensated.

The honest people of Britain? You poor bastards.

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