Saturday, May 28, 2005

Because God forbid anyone get their feelings hurt

Let's see... Newsweak screws around, there's a bunch of upset in the hearts of a bunch of idiots who riot, etc., at the idea of their holy book being treated badly, and what comes next? A new hate crimes law, of course.

Of course that jackass Conyers is involved, up to his slimy neck. God forbid anyone should have their feelings hurt(as long as the boobs like whatever group you 'belong' to, that is), so we've got to have a new law that punishes people for having 'bad thoughts'. Of course, it's not that new; the PC police have been pushing this crap for years. I'd think it would be insulting, being told that you're so tender and helpless that the government has to protect your delicate feelings by force of law, but an awful lot of people seem to like the idea. Of course, it gives them power; it gives them the ability to trash people's lives by accusing them of 'hate crimes', and a lot of people have a real liking for controlling other people's lives.

Screw this noise. Last I heard we still have a First Amendment in this country, despite the efforts of people like Conyers and McCain and company to trash it. If you can't handle being insulted, tough shit. I'm sick of people whining that people don't 'properly respect' them, so there has to be a law to force it. With all due respect for their tender feelings, screw them, too(metaphorically, of course). Grow up, and develop some self-discipline. Not everybody will like you, not everyone will say nice things about you, and so what? Live with it, like everyone else does, and shut up.

You know, if a bunch of Christians or Jews rioted over abuse of the Bible or Torah, they'd be considered criminals by the same people who want special protection for Muslims and the Koran. Don't tell me these boobs believe in equal protection under the law, they want special protection and privilege for those they sympathize with(or are sucking up to for votes and influence).

Utter bullshit.

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