Monday, January 24, 2005

Waiter! There's a glass in my dinner!

My daughter got a job today, and needed some clothes. So first we went shopping, then to Outback for dinner to celebrate.

As we began our cheese fries, I picked up my glass of tea, and as it moved over my plate the bottom fell out. Literally. Breaking my saucer and dumping ice and tea all over the table. Almost immediately our waitress and a waiter appeared, asking if I was all right, starting the cleanup, and getting a fresh batch of fries.

My son used to work there, so I also wound up with one of the other waitresses coming from the next section of the place to ask if I was hurt. Nice place to be a regular at. I informed them that I'd blog about this: "I was attacked at Outback! By my glass! It peed all over me!"

I think I made their night.

I looked the halves over before they took them away. It separated just below the bottom of the handle, and you could hardly have gotten a cleaner break if you'd worked at it. The things that happen...

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