Monday, January 24, 2005

Embarrasing moments... for someone else

One of the best I've seen happened to a lady down in Texas, when I had a booth at North Texas Irish Festival. We'd met a few months before at Scarborough Faire (yeah, I go to ren-fairs sometimes; bite me). Since I had been properly attired at the fair, kilt and all, she hadn't recognized me when she saw me that day- she knew she knew me, but not from where. Finally I gave her a hint(long backstory, maybe some other time), and she clicked.

Few minutes later I took a break and we were walking around talking, and I said something like "You took long enough to remember me". In the middle of a crowd, without thinking, she said
"I didn't recognize you with pants on!".

Ever seen a grown woman in a corner, choking and so red it practically reflected off the walls?

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