Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I want a 20 or 25mm cannon

I'm going to mount it in a turret on the roof of my truck. And the next time some idiot trying to get up an icy hill starts slowing down as he reaches the start of the hill, I'm going to blow him out of the way.

Apparently, the idea of maintaining a bit of, what's it called?, momentum as you start up just does not occur to them. And when they get stuck halfway up they start gunning it, and then they slip sideways and really block things up.

It was 20 degrees when I left work. The freezing rain and sleet had stopped but the roads had nicely glazed over. And 1/3 of the people out there driving thought slowing down on a slope was a Good Thing. Until they got stuck.

I had to go around one to get into my driveway, the only good thing being that there was no way they could hit me at that point. Having parked, I took pity on some people and got out the big bottle of kitty litter I keep for oil spills and walked around throwing it until tires. That got four of them off my street, counting the one who had run over a curb and I helped push off, not counting the one who would get started, and instead of gently feeding a little gas hit it hard and got stuck again. Three times. That one I gave up on.

I like Outback. I had seriously thought of getting one of their Caesar salads for dinner until I got home. After which I fed critters, made dinner, and avoided any thought of going ANYWHERE tonight. A phone call from a pretty redhead might have changed my mind, but anything else other than life or death cause, I ain't going.

If Steve starts bitching again about how cold 55 is, I hope Marv and Maynard both bite him on the ass.

(Ok, I lied. Call from a pretty redhead WOULD have made me change my mind.)

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