Thursday, January 06, 2005

CBS falls in hole, starts digging

This is absolutely pathetic. With a report supposedly about to be released about their use of fake documents, with all the other things that have come out, CBS does this:

"Our Cruise Director Hans Tibboel described one specific divesite in Surin Island with the words: "it looked like a giant sandblaster was used". Again, Hans was describing only one divesite and made positive remarks about the actual lack of damage at other places. Of course, the CBS editor used the "sandblast" soundbite and hardly anything else.
Footage was also arranged in a "before & after" method that is not consistent with the real situation. All the beautiful "before" footage shown by CBS was actually filmed AFTER the tsunami. "

I had actually hoped that CBS might try to salvage their reputation as a news agency, but that's down the toilet. They keep playing games with the news, and in talking about this disaster they can't help themselves; they just have to keep manipulating the information they hand out.

Someone asked the question a while back that, knowing what they've been caught at since the blogosphere started fact-checking them, what kind of crap were they doing before they really worried about getting caught?

I gave up on CBS a long time ago for a variety of reasons, Dan Blather being one of them. When I saw him on the show last night I changed channels; while I thought he might straighten up to try to salvage his reputation, I doubted it. I didn't think his arrogance would allow it. Looks like I was right.

Read the whole article at Dive Newswire. Found it at Little Green Footballs.

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