Thursday, October 14, 2004

Oh, my God

Read this article about the latest mass grave finding in Iraq. There are two particular things in this that get to me. First is:
"One trench contains only women and children while another contains only men. The body of one woman was found still clutching a baby. The infant had been shot in the back of the head and the woman in the face."

Second is:
"Mr Kehoe said that work to uncover graves around Iraq, where about 300,000 people are thought to have been killed during Saddam Hussein's regime, was slow as experienced European investigators were not taking part.
The Europeans, he said, were staying away as the evidence might be used eventually to put Saddam Hussein to death. "

Babies and mothers and men and children murdered by the hundreds, but them sophisticated Europeans know what's important. Can't be involved in anything that might lead to a death penalty for the one responsible. After all, the wogs are long dead, so we can't dirty our fingers by doing something that might cause a mass murderer to be hanged, now can we? And they were Kurds, anyway, really troublesome wogs.

Next time someone tells me I should really worry about the opinions of the Europeans, I may piss on their shoes. These people don't worry about the murders of CHILDREN! but we're supposed to act in accordance with what they say is right. Bullshit.

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