Wednesday, October 13, 2004


I started using this term to refer to people who, short version, think more of bugs and trees than humans. Also, those who are a walking contradiction.

My best example was when they were towing the Exxon Valdez back to port. There were people in small boats all over the harbor waving signs and blowing horns, and a news crew was talking to three clowns from Greenpeace. They were in their Zodiac(largely plastic, petroleum product), wearing their cold/wet weather gear(synthetics, mostly if not all petroleum products), being propelled around the harbor by an outboard motor( fueled with gas/oil mix, petroleum products), and the one doing the talking was saying that "this ship is a dinosaur, fossil fuels are dead', etc. Dipsticks riding in/covered with stuff from fossil fuels, and makes that statement.


I also get tired of these clowns talking about fuel cells and wind power and 'alternative fuels' and wanting to get rid of gas & diesel NOW! None of those things can take the place of fossil fuels, they have no capability of doing so for a long time if ever, and they scream like stuck pigs if you even mention the use of nuclear power for electricity.

Find an alternative fuel that can be used in standard or slightly modified gas & diesel engines, that is comparably priced, that is as or prefereably more efficient & cleaner than gas & diesel, and the world will beat a path to your door and then kick it down to throw money at you. And people are working on it. But until someone makes a breakthrough, we're stuck with fossil fuels, and could make a big difference in electrical output with nuclear.

PLEASE prove me wrong! Find something better, I'd love you to.

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