Saturday, September 07, 2024

pretty much on time tonight

instead of 'Did I forget something?'

Can you say 'Corruption', boys and girls?

I knew you could.
Today I filed a new judicial ethics complaint with the New York State Commission because new evidence on Kamala Harris’ most recent FEC filing shows she hired and paid Acting Justice Juan Merchan’s adult daughter’s company. This is a clear violation of the New York State Judicial Code of Conduct which dictates that a judge must recuse from a case where a relative up to and including the sixth degree has a financial interest in the outcome of the case. Read my full complaint below:
Bold mine.  Here's the link, which has the full complaint.

Friday, September 06, 2024

Speaking of people telling the truth,

in this case because 'showing off to hot girl',
Crowder posted thirteen minutes of Biase talking with his date on social media Thursday. Bragg, according to Biase, was “just stacking charges and rearranging things just to make it fit a case.” Biase also says, at various points in the video, what he thinks of the case against Trump: “Honestly, I think the case is nonsense.” “It’s a perversion of justice.” “It’s a travesty of justice.” “It’s a mockery of justice.” As if that weren’t enough, he adds that “the whole thing is disgusting,” and observes, “That’s why he [Trump] is surging in the polls.”
Biase even went so far as to criticize another politically motivated Trump persecutor, Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan, for the likelihood that he will imprison Trump in a couple of weeks over his own flimsy case. “This guy is probably going to try to lock him up,” Biase said. “And there is going to be, it’s going to be ugly… They are so obsessed with getting him.”

When his date asked him who was so obsessed with getting Trump, he answered, “The Democrats … It affects his candidacy if he’s a convicted felon.” Biase didn’t think this would work: “Those felonies did nothing to stop Trump from running … In fact, they made him more relevant.”

Seems Biden got off the 'prompter and told a truth

President Biden admits that the 'Inflation Reduction Act' was not actually about inflation after he started ranting without the teleprompter.

Holy sh*t.

Biden said the Inflation Reduction Act was actually about funding Climate Change efforts and said the Act should have actually been named something different.

He's being honest, back then he knew if he called it what is was, it would not have passed.

He and every one of the bastards who did this... he's already gone, but all the rest should go too.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Hit the range just to do some shooting,

which I haven't done in a while, and had a nice demonstration of an effect of a supersonic projectile.

Guy had a .22 rifle with a suppressor, and was shooting at a 100 yard target using high-velocity ammo.  There are berms at 25, 50, and 75 yards, so he was shooting over them.  The can did a nice job of quieting the shot, so you could hear the 'crack-crack-crack' of the shock wave from the bullet being reflected off the berm.  First time I'd been able to hear that.

So I don't lose track of these,

I'll post links here.
"You peasants don't need to know anything about these illegal aliens unless we decide to let you know", say the enemies of our civilization.

Our Professional Journalists have been contemptable assholes for a long time.

Carry whenever and wherever you legally can, because we don't know when or where.  Also,
Kurilla has been sounding similar alarms from CENTCOM. The forces under his command conducted 475 ground operations and 45 airstrikes against ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria last year—killing or capturing almost 1,000 of the group’s fighters. In a March statement, Kurilla affirmed that both ISIS and al Qaeda “remain committed to inflicting violence.” Although U.S. forces have kept ISIS from controlling large portions of Iraq and Syria, by Kurilla’s count, the group still has at least 5,000 fighters. Over the span of just two weeks in early 2024, ISIS conducted 275 attacks—its highest rate in years. Al Qaeda, meanwhile, continues to operate from Afghanistan and Yemen.
Remember when ISIS was small, and traveling in convoys in the open?  When they could've been wiped out fairly easily?  But Obama said "They're just the JV team" and let them get big?

I can't read it all, short version is "The Elites don't like people thinking for themselves.  And wish they could make us stop."

This you can read all of.  'Misinformation/disinformation' my ass.

Medical data crookery in the Netherlands, guess why.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

A little general round-up

The latest news from Britain sparking interest among my fellow Americans relates to the recent riots and the government’s response after three little girls were stabbed to death in Southport. The aspect that has attracted most attention is the British government’s attempts to curtail the free exchange and dissemination of ideas on social media. I’ve even been asked if the government of Sir Keir Starmer is waging war on free speech. I feel compelled to answer Yes, but add that the war began long before the summer of 2024. Indeed, Britain’s increasingly illiberal and authoritarian political class, along with their minions in the media and academia, highly credentialled and privileged men and women who sacralise the European Union, are unable to define a woman, despise the white working class and feel at home in Islington, Hampstead, Tuscany, Provence or Cape Cod, have been whittling away at the time-honoured rights of free speech, expression and thought for at least 30 years. Starmer’s draconian policies represent a brutal escalation of the war rather than its beginning.

NYeffingCity is getting what it voted for, good and hard.
Across New York, recently arrived migrants are flooding the criminal justice system — at far higher rates than public officials have acknowledged.

Police sources shared with The Post a staggering estimate that as many as 75% of the people they’ve been arresting in Midtown Manhattan in recent months for crimes like assault, robbery and domestic violence are migrants. In parts of Queens, the figure is more than 60%, sources there estimate.

On any given day, Big Apple criminal court dockets are packed with asylum seekers who have run afoul of the law.

Ah, the EffingBI, "We're all honest, dedicated professionals here, but we worry about the Do'J'."
Sure, you are.

That's about all I can take for now.

"I don't want to ban assault weapons anymore,

until I'm President.  And ATF will work things for me."

Why would I be surprised that both of them are stonewalling on anything and everything that might hurt her election chances and their 'We want to make law without the trouble of going through Congresss' crap?

Monday, September 02, 2024

And from the communist who wants to be Veep,

Reporter: "What's your reaction to the six hostages being found in Gaza?"

Walz: Goodbye

Unsaid: "You want me to say something that might upset all those terrorist-supporter votes in a couple of states?  Nope."

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Found thanks to Joe Huffman

 There is one white man who has enslaved more African Americans than anyone else in history.

His name is Karl Marx.

Alice Smith (@TheAliceSmith)

If you're not familiar with Huffman, take a look