Wednesday, September 04, 2024

"I don't want to ban assault weapons anymore,

until I'm President.  And ATF will work things for me."

Why would I be surprised that both of them are stonewalling on anything and everything that might hurt her election chances and their 'We want to make law without the trouble of going through Congresss' crap?


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I think their plan is say nothing at all until they get power. then they will do as they damn well please to us. fuck that shit. more of "I got a phone and pen" bullshit.

  2. Anonymous10:23 PM

    That was ODammits' play. Talk broadly about "change" and let everyone think that they knew what his change would be only to find out that he meant "I'm in charge. Suck it, peasant."
    Kamala will be far worse, because she has the work of O and the Vegetable to build on.
    John in Indy

  3. A sudden surge in purchases of AR-15's in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

  4. Buy now. But consider the future, too---You won't live forever, and this may not be over when you are.
    Have you thought about where your guns will go? And how?
