Saturday, September 14, 2024

Well, this is fun

And part of what makes it so is
The Wuhan institute, where WIV14 was sequenced, is at the center of allegations that the COVID-19 pandemic was the result of a lab leak. But there is no evidence that WIV14 originated at WIV, Lauring says. “Unfortunately … people will speak of this as a ‘lab leak’ and jump to conclusions,” he says. “All they did here was isolate a virus and sequence it and upload it.” Any lab leak would have occurred before that, and probably elsewhere. WIV did not respond to a request for comment.
Problem being that 'All they did here' actually means "All we KNOW that they did here", and that opens a big rathole.  Because anybody who trusts a PRC facility to not be doing something else, let alone trusts them to tell the truth, is a fool.

So, a legitimate screw-up(and they do happen, see 'CDC' for one) or something else?


  1. Yang is paid $5/day.
    Yang is told to incinerate these 20 test rabbits that have been infected
    Yang knows that he can sell these rabbits for $2 each at the market.
    Yang stays late one day....

    "Lab leak"

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Umm , why was it labeled as number 19 if there are no others? They really hope everyone is as stupid as they are...

  3. "19" was simply for 2019, when the virus was first noticed. (This means it was out and spreading wildly for over a month before Chinese authorities revealed that they had a new infectious disease in January to February 2020. They made sure it had spread to the west too widely to be contained by any quarantine before announcing it. That would be sociopathic even if the virus was of purely natural origin and had never entered a lab until they took samples from masses of people in the hospital.)

    But the genetic codes for the spike proteins that specifically made the virus good at infecting human cells look engineered, not natural. Also, no intermediate evolutionary steps in the virus between the bat virus and COVID-19 have been found. That is, it jumped in a single step from a bat virus with little or no no capacity for infecting human cells to a human virus with little or no no capacity for infecting bat cells - and the very first human form was _perfected_ for maximum virulence in humans. Natural mutations don't work that way. If this was a natural change, there would be a random mutation that created a form that could infect bats or humans, but neither one as well, and then after it became established in humans, there would be natural selection for further mutations that made it better at infecting humans. That is, there would be a trail of intermediate forms that simply don't exist, because all the changes were induced in a laboratory culture until someone got careless and it leaked out to the general population near the lab.

    1. and the bats that supposedly originated the virus live in caves 200+miles form the "market" where the outbreak occurred...
