Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The question must be asked about Harris: is there any part of the Constitution

she's sworn to uphold that she wouldn't violate?  
We have her recorded hostility to the 1st Amendment, and the 2nd, now we have the 4th:
“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible.”
Video and audio here.

This also tells us, if there was any doubt, that her word is not worth crap.  Another reason to not want her in the Oval Office.


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    You need to focus on the "Native born citizen" part. She's a anchor baby.

  2. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I don't expect the unelected nameless bureaucrats now running the government to relinquish power after 4 years to Harris or any other puppet that they push on us- I do expect business as usual, but on overdrive- I also expect a 9/11 scale "event" at some point to allow them to try to eliminate any opposition, with gun control/seizure at the top of the list-

  3. Kameltoe the Kommie is a her dad who as a university
    Rofessor OPE ,Y

  4. They are going to run out of people to place in the stack pretty quickly if they truly attempt this. Just sayin'.

  5. Peaowed8:12 AM

    To answer the first question: No. There is no part of the Constitution they wouldn't violate to promote their agenda. Their end justifies any means.

  6. Just because you're retarded enough to try doesn't make a good idea. Democrats expect to hire people to do the jobs that Americans just wont do. Like construction, yard work , house cleaning and genocide of their self avowed enemies. plan accordingly especially if you have their non favored skin color.
