Monday, September 09, 2024

I cannot disagree

Let’s review: The president of a PUBLIC UNIVERSITY, an individual in charge of an institution of higher learning, THREATENED an individual for exercising her constitutional and natural right to speech, after he cited the EXACT SAME right as his reason for granting permission to anti-semitic protesters (who’s “from the river to the sea” call advocates for the elimination of a nation-state and its people, btw). In addition, the president never explicitly said what exactly was the reason behind the planned protest except to note that October 7, 2024 was the one year anniversary of October 7, 2023.

Pop quiz time: University of Maryland president Daryll J. Pines is:
A. Stupid 
B. Intellectually challenged 
C. Anti-Semitic 
D. Stupidly evil 
E. All of the above

I'd have to go with E


  1. E ... definitely "E"

  2. The U-MD admin hasn't changed a wit in 50 years.
    Clas of 74

  3. "F"--- Needs to be tarred, feathered and then dropped from a helicopter during the halftime show over the 50-yardline
    to see if he can fly.
