Saturday, September 21, 2024

A few evening matters

Last Friday, Josh Christenson at the New York Post reported on a memo showing the State Department strategizing in response to reporting by me and the Washington Examiner’s Gabe Kaminsky. Later, Gabe tweeted that a Biden administration official briefed congressional staff that I wasn’t to be trusted because of “unsavory” behavior in younger years in Russia. That second news turned out not as bad as it sounded, but it made me think. Racket readers know I’ve dealt with kerfuffles, from an IRS visit to a threatening member of congress, and there’ve been other things left unmentioned. I wouldn’t call any of it serious, but most everyone I know in media is dealing with something now.

Six weeks before the lancing of the boil that is the Trump-Harris election, officialdom has never been antsier. There’s desperation up there and the more bureaucratically thuggish tactics employed by agencies like GEC have not scratched their itch of uncertainty. Arbitrary removals of content aren’t cutting it. New overreaches are coming, but what? Our goons aren’t Russian enough to smash people with hammers, but as the earlier story today shows, they aren’t sane either. I’m not intimidated, but the days of smooth sailing might be over.

The Brits don't have a justice system anymore.
At the sentencing hearings in Sheffield Crown Court last week, the younger of the two victims delivered an impact statement from the witness box, addressing the defendants.

“You ruined my life but I won’t let you ruin my future,” the woman, who can’t be named for legal reasons, said. “I’m a fighter and a survivor. I’m thriving and fighting. You can’t and won’t ever take anything from me again. 22 years ago, you first started grooming me, and 10 years ago I started my justice fight. You stole my childhood, now I’m taking your freedom, I am your karma,” she concluded.

However, GB News discovered that the speech was heavily censored by the judge, with multiple sections erased due to restrictions they imposed. “I’d like to request that after sentencing and upon Rudy and Showabe’s release, that they should be deported back to Pakistan as this is where they originated from and came here to exploit children,” the original uncensored conclusion of the statement read.

“Rudy” is Mohammed Amar, who was convicted of two counts of indecent assault, and sentenced to 14 years. “Showabe” is Mohammed Siyab, who was convicted of two counts of rape, one count of trafficking, and one count of sexual intercourse with a girl under 13, and sentenced to 25 years in jail. Siyab’s English language skills were so poor that despite living in the UK for decades, he required an Urdu interpreter in court.

Bold mine.  Yeah, something forbid the rape victim say something that might upset the rapist.

Most of our Professional Journalists are so far in the tank for the left that they have to have oxygen piped in.  They truly are Democrat operatives with bylines, as Insty once said.

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