Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Why would you trust ANYONE connected with the feds about, well, ANYTHING?

At this point, especially prosecutors.
After black-clad demonstrators protested Donald Trump's inauguration in an "Anti-Capitalist/Anti-Fascist Bloc" march on January 20, 2017, federal prosecutors in Washington, D.C., charged more than 200 of them with rioting. While 21 defendants pleaded guilty, all of the other cases ended in acquittals, mistrials, or charges dismissed with prejudice. One reason for that fiasco, according to recently filed disciplinary charges, was the discovery that the federal prosecutor who oversaw the cases persistently withheld exculpatory evidence and repeatedly lied about it to judges and defense attorneys.
According to Fox, Muyskens and Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Detective Greggory Pemberton edited the meeting footage in ways that bolstered the prosecution's case, and Muyskens covered up the extent of those edits. Fox says Muyskens also withheld Project Veritas videos of other DisruptJ20 meetings that would have been helpful to the defense, pretending that they did not exist. And she allegedly concealed the fact that Pemberton, in testimony to a grand jury, had erroneously identified one of the DisruptJ20 defendants as a woman who appears in the video of the planning meeting.

Yes, lots more here.


  1. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
    Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
    Everybody knows the war is over
    Everybody knows the good guys lost
    Everybody knows the fight was fixed
    The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
    That's how it goes
    Everybody knows

  2. NAVYEOD12:38 PM

    Funny how the withholding of evidence for anti-Trumpers results in all charges being dropped in one way or another. Yet J6 defendants still rot in jail, one who has been imprisoned for over 1300 days and still has not had a trial.

  3. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Moscow rules, then. Or the Somme.

  4. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Lesson learned: Do not try to get out of jury duty.
