Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Well, along with the crapped economy and Soros and leftist prosecutors and judges turning bad guys loose,

should be a surprise to nobody:
A new study published in the journal Injury Prevention on July 25 shows that protection is the overwhelming reason Americans exercise their Second Amendment rights. Titled, “Firearm ownership for protection in the USA, 2023: results from a nationally representative survey,” the authors from the University of Michigan found, “Of all firearm owners, 78.8%… owned a firearm for protection.”
Now, throw in this,
Gun sales hit a new record in July, the 36th straight month of firearms purchases over 1 million.

In breaking the record, people delivered a strong message to liberal Democrats, who last week passed a ban on buying the nation’s most popular firearm, the modern sporting rifle, and other semi-automatic weapons and parts.

According to industry experts, sales in July topped 1.2 million. That means sales have hit 1 million or more each month for three consecutive years.

Hm.  Idiot leftists making it more dangerous out there, and- post-Biden- both Democrats running for Pres. and Veep are gun-grabbing socialists who encouraged rioting and raised bail money for rioters... wonder why so many people are buying guns, it's a mystery...

Not to mention idiots like this Democrat:
A alarming video surfaced Monday appearing to show Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) declaring that Congress will have to disqualify former President Donald Trump on January 6, 2025 if he wins the November election, and predicting a civil war with “rampaging Trump mobs” could erupt as a result.

Raskin made the disturbing comments during a discussion about voter rights with law professor Richard L. Hasen and civil rights lawyer Sherrilyn Iffil at the Politics and Prose bookstore in Washington D.C. on February 17, 2024. The congressman’s remarks were so extreme, some journalists are wondering if the video was manipulated.

"Save us, Raskin, tell us this was faked!  Please!" plead the Professional Journalists.

“I think the office of Jamie Raskin has to comment on the veracity of a video that is circulating, said independent journalist Matt Taibbi. “If it’s in any way altered he needs to make a strong statement to that effect.”
That would be nice.  But as far as I can find he's said nothing about it.  Which is telling.

And another reason some people say either "I need a gun" or "We need more ammo, just in case."

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