Friday, August 09, 2024

There is only one proper response to this kind of crap

Go fuck yourself, Rowley.  You don't get to censor us.

If you want the video, here

As to the responsibility of asshats like him in this mess,
Here’s the thing: This is all entirely the government’s fault.

After a 17-year-old suspect was arrested for the Southport stabbing attack, the police refused to publicly identify him. Given the pattern around such incidents in England, this led a lot of people to assume that the attacker must be a Muslim immigrant, and so some of the rioters targeted mosques or facilities for so-called “asylum seekers.”

Eventually, the situation was such that officials finally identified the attacker as Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, the son of immigrants from Rwanda. Rudakubana was reportedly born in Cardiff, Wales and, whatever his motive — other than Crazy People Are Dangerous — there is no apparent connection to Islamic radicalism. Therefore, the claim is being made, “misinformation” was to blame for the riots.

No, actually, government secrecy was to blame. If the police had merely released the name and mugshot of the suspect, at least the public would have known that he wasn’t named “Mohammed” or “Abdul,” which was a conclusion many people quickly leapt to, based on recent history of such stabbings not only in England, but all across Europe. And just because it appears the attacker was a deranged teenager — apparently motivated by mental illness, rather than radical ideology — does not mean that complaints about immigration policy are irrelevant or misguided. The cultural dislocations involved in relocating Third World migrants to England (or France, Belgium, Canada, America, etc.) often result in situations like this, where the children of immigrants become alienated or hostile. Even if the immigrants themselves are grateful toward their host country, and eager to have their children take advantage of the available opportunities, the younger generation may not share that attitude, and may not be able to handle the pressure to adapt and assimilate.

It’s not “racist” or “anti-immigrant” to mention this phenomenon, which is widely acknowledged by social workers who deal with immigrant populations, and equally known to advocates of immigration. From a conservative perspective, of course, this problem points toward a simple conclusion about immigration: NUMBERS MATTER.

Assimilation is easier when immigrant populations are relatively small, and the larger the immigrant population, the greater the likelihood of violent conflict. If you have a town of 10,000 people, the arrival of one family of immigrants from Guatemala or Ghana is not going to have much impact on the social fabric; whereas the arrival of 500 or 1,000 immigrants is a whole ’nother thing. When you have mass immigration — which is what England has been dealing with for decades — the potential for trouble rises to a near certainty. Government officials don’t want to tell the truth about the results of their policies, and so a culture of secrecy arises, eroding public trust and leading to exactly the kind of situation that produced riots in the wake of the Southport stabbings.


  1. That's not how extradition works. He's just making empty threats into the ether.

  2. WV citybilly6:42 PM

    I was going to say "piss off", but I think you worded it better.

  3. Peaowed3:44 AM

    Abdul from Iraq or Rudakubana from Rwanda. There is no difference. They both want to kill Westerners.

  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Two Tier Kier is (incorrectly) relying on Brit laws about terrorism to claim thar he can charge foreigners (us) under British law, and have our nation(s) either punish us here or kidnap us to Britain.
    This is the base attitude of the Globalist totalitarians. First as well as the European ones.
    John in Indy

  5. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I think I read about a revolution that told jolly ol’ england to eat shit and die, or vice/versa, it’s been awhile.
