Friday, August 16, 2024

That post on the Second City Cop site?

Know another factor that could very well help blow things up?

Through months of rioting, looting, arson, maiming, attempted murder and murder, a bunch of these idiot leftist politicians have trained the communists and greens to see that they can do pretty much anything and get away with it.

Now those politicians are terrified about what their little minions might do in Chicago.

Hell, the DNC took a perfectly viable Veep candidate and told him to get lost because he's Jewish and the Dems are that desperate for the terrorist and Jew-hating vote.  So they've also taught the Red-Green Alliance that they will cave to them in the hopes of getting their votes.

It'll be interesting to see
A: Just what all they'll be willing to promise in hopes of those votes, and
B: Just what the average voter out there will think of it.

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