Saturday, August 31, 2024

So what Harris actually means by "I've changed my mind" is

"I won't ban fracking, I'll just ban drilling whenever and wherever possible."

Sounds like something the bastards would do.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Campaign promises and campaign speeches aren't worth the oxygen they take up. Frankly, that's why I voted against Trump in 2016. I didn't believe him. (No. I did not vote for Hillary).

    I'm glad I was wrong about Trump.

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    How about that pipeline that would bring the oil where it’s useful?

  3. Terrytheterrible2:13 PM

    Unelected have more consequences than elected it appears.

  4. I've seen her explain her concerns about the future the children of today will be forced to live in and how she fears the unknown environmental consequences of fracking . Then, while claiming her Values haven't changed, but now, she wouldn't ban it. And nothing about What she has learned that calmed her fears. Nothing changed Except what she has been told to say for political expediency. When being Indian is good enough, she was. When being black became politically advantageous, she became black. I'm starting to wonder if there is anything about her that is real.

  5. They don't need to ban anything. My financial advisor is part American Indian from Oklahoma. A lot of his his high school buddies were wildcatters. He said that Biden was allowing wildcatters to apply for leases (nothing banned) but required them to have the drilling equipment on hand while they waited for the lease approvals. None of his buddies and none of the major companies could afford to pay for idle equipment while the government slow walked the lease applications for months. Without a ban, they effectively shut down drilling for oil.

  6. Anonymous8:21 AM

    If there was ever a pig with lipstick, harris is it-
