Sunday, August 18, 2024

Now there's a response to the Brit .gov


click to enlarge


  1. I have not been in the UK since early 2000s and it seems like now it has gone to trash. If they want to try to do anything to us Americans because of our Free Speech then I believe we should get rid of NATO and move our bases out of Europe.

  2. Anonymous2:37 PM

    See 1st, 2nd, and 8th amendments; English court sentence of 20months prison for speaking out against violence.

  3. Leftists, at their core, are authoritarian.

    The UK Labor government are pushing for an Orwellian state, a fascist state. The Left always claims that fascism is a far right ideology, but this is not true.

    Fascism is an evolution of socialism, with the means of production and media controlled by wealthy and powerful party members and party aligned elites.

    This is the future that our Leftists, the Democrats, want for us.
