Friday, August 23, 2024

How do you know you're stuck in a dystopian craphole?

You live in (formerly Great)Britain.
Original here.

But wait!  There's MORE!
The left-wing Labour Party government of Prime Minister Keir Starmer enacted emergency measures on Monday to free up prison cells in England as over 1,000 people have been arrested in connection to the outbreak of violence, or for posts on social media, in the UK following the mass stabbing at a children’s dance party in Southport last month allegedly by a second-generation Rwandan migrant teen.
Bold mine.

Two-Tier is really working on that title, isn't he?  Mind you, the 'Conservatives' were damn little better, which is a big reason their sorry asses were thrown out.


  1. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Clockwork Orange time

  2. Coming soon to a city near you...

  3. Ritchie7:22 PM

    It's not my field of expertise, but....does notGB/England have a tradition of Large Blades? It's my understanding that blades work both ways.

  4. They also had a tradition of people speaking their minds publicly. And a few other things that will now put them in jail.
