Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Why shouldn't the FBI be in charge of the investigation?

Because people like this would be involved.
Report: FBI employee who works in background-check division jokes about Trump getting shot, takes aim at "2nd-Amendment loving hillbillies"
Yeah.  That really helps.  Second City Cop also notes
UPDATE: Stop with the "He was a registered Republican" trope being circulated by the lame-stream media as a cover. Remember what the dems were doing prior to the Pennsylvania primary? They TOLD their voters to register as Republicans to be able to pick Biden's opponent. This assassin was twenty and had just registered to vote for this election cycle. His political contribution went to a far left organization and he was recorded on someone's social media having a Trump freak out.
Which is something they've done before, but I didn't think of that.


  1. Why shouldn't the FBI be in charge of the investigation?

    J6, Vegas, Ruby Ridge.

  2. Also, Gabby "Intelligent Furniture" Giffords was shot by a registered Democrat; what's their point?

  3. educher, see also JFK assassination, RFK assassination, MLK assassination...

  4. Anonymous2:53 AM

    I used to register as a Democrat to vote in the primary for the most dipshit demowit I had to choose from.
    (There were always plenty)
    I don’t bother anymore because I just pick the guy I want from the Repubicunts available. The Uniparty is a separation without a difference anymore.
