Friday, July 12, 2024

Watching all the crap from our major media and Professional Journalists,

hell, if I'd lied and cheated that much for political reasons I wouldn't want to take responsibility for it either.

If they'd actually investigated and reported on Biden's condition in the last campaign, I doubt we'd be in this mess.

If they'd investigated and actually reported on his decline anytime over the last three years, same.

If they'd done that even in the last year, same.  It would've been obvious that Biden should not be running again(ignore the 'should not BE here NOW' part), the Democrats could've probably handled getting him to not run again and would've been having these conniptions then, not three months from the election.

Mind you, I'm all for their conniptions, they're entertaining as hell, both the official ones and the "I'm making excuses for Biden and insist he run again because BAD ORANGE MAN!" private ones.  Which is also disgusting: they hate Trump so much that they'd rather have a mentally unstable and declining man in the effing Presidency than him.  Also, I'm waiting for someone to start saying that Biden's corruption is somehow connected to his Official Duties and so he has immunity.

I include in the conniptions the "Since Biden has immunity he should have Seals kill Trump!" idiocy started.
Yes, it is.

Back to the media: A few of them have basically admitted "If we'd reported on this it might have helped the Republicans!" as their excuse.  So they've demonstrated they cannot be trusted on ANYTHING, because they'll slant their 'reporting' for political purposes.  And flatly lie to you.

That saying "No matter how much you hate the media, it isn't enough"?  Screw 'em, they earned it.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    It was after the fake presser that the CNN commentator said: "He spoke about ..., ..., ..., ..., as if every word out of old joe's mouth was profound policy. Yes, he spoke about Hamas, and Harris but can he tell the difference between the two.

    Anyone else note that the room had all pink shade walls except for the blue screen behind old joe? And did anyone else notice how occasionally the flags behind and the chyron in front of joe would jitter but the joe image did not? And then did anyone notice the tell-tale halo around the reporters in the room. The halo is from inserting figures into the green screen background.

    I would be willing to bet that the entire thing was faked from the room to the people in it. OutOfTime

  2. We need to keep in mind that Trump is not part of the Uniparty, most of the rest are (both of the parties).
    So they stop Trump and they win.
