Sunday, July 28, 2024

Two comments this morning, brought to you by

the French and a comment:
Yes, I think the French deliberately set that up to look like the Last Supper.  There's too strong a resemblance for it to have been chance.

No, I don't think AIPAC has someone assigned to every damned Rep and Senator, who have to consult with them for permission to vote.

That's all the griping I've got energy for this morning.


  1. You are right, Paul Ryan and Ilhan Omar dont have an APAIC overseer.
    The rest do.

  2. Steady Steve4:55 PM

    It would be plausible for AIPAC to have one person assigned to several reps or to the reps and senators from a single State in the case of less populous States.

  3. Of course it was set up to look like the Last Supper. The ratings for the Olympics have been in the toilet for years and the Olympic Committee knows that the only way to boost ratings is with controversy. Everyone hitting social media with complaints about this or that simply adds fuel to the fire, ratings to the Olympic circus, and money into the pockets of the organizers. I haven't watched either summer or winter games in probably 30 years and I have no intention of watching them now.

  4. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Dinna fash yerselves. A real Christian abhors Da Vinci's abomination because it dares make an image of The Lord contra Commandment #2, and a very poor one at that....long hair and effeminacy? Getouttahere. Also, the Biblical account describes reclining for the meal, not sitting on chairs. Further, Leo's Lie makes the incident impossible, where John asks The Lord who the traitor was...if impetuous Pete had heard, Judas wouldn't have left the room alive. Let the mockers mock, payday someday is coming someday soon. How will YOU stand? By Grace, which means unearned merit.

    1. Anonymous6:26 AM

      I wasted a couple of minutes reading thru this drivel.
      Whatever, nony.

    2. Anonymous8:06 AM

      A couple of minutes for one paragraph, and a revealing non-reply. Thank you! I'll write slower next time.

  5. There's even an article that explicitly says that they used the Last Supper as their model. And the title of the performance was (loosely translated) The Last Supper on the Seine. And anything religious or religion-related is explicitly forbidden by the by-laws of the Olympic Committee.
