Friday, July 19, 2024

Holy Effing BLEEP, these people are worthless

“Earlier in the day, he went through Secret Service security WITH his rangefinder and scoped out the snipers, who spotted him and said they need to keep an eye on him,” News Busters journalist Curtis Houck wrote in a post on X.

“He went into work at a nursing home and asked off for Saturday, but told coworkers he’d see them on Sunday.

“Detonators for the explosives in his car were found on him on the roof with three, fully loaded magazines of nearly 100 rounds and a bulletproof vest,” he wrote.

Which also brings up 'Were the bombs to distract for his getaway, or did he have something else in mind?'


  1. Sailorcurt5:43 AM

    Another question has come up with reference to our earlier conversation...i.e. the possibility of someone telling him exactly which building would be unguarded:

    I'd wondered how he got the rifle onto the roof unnoticed. I'd think if they'd seen someone walking around with an AR-15 they'd have taken it more seriously than just a rangefinder.

    I just kind of assumed he'd broken it down and had it in the backpack.

    But I read today that he'd hidden the rifle on or around the building somewhere so he would be spotted with it beforehand. I don't know if that's accurate or not...could just be BS; but if it's true, it lends credence to the idea that he knew beforehand exactly which building he should be preparing to shoot from and again raises the question: how did he know?

    Seems to me he was either the luckiest wanna-be assassin since Gavrilo Princip, or he had some inside help.

  2. And part of the decision problem is WE DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WHAT, and the chances of us actually being told the truth on a lot of things is damn near zero. Which is not exactly helpful.
