Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Ah, Californicated, you never fail to disappoint

Currently, buying or soliciting sex from a minor is a misdemeanor, up to a year in jail and a $10k fine.  which is pretty damned lenient.  Law is being pushed to make it a felony, with sex offender registration and all,   And then,
True to form, they said that "this bill will disproportionately impact marginalized communities, especially members of the LGBTQ community, who already suffer from systematic biases within the criminal justice system, particularly when it comes to sexually-based offenses."
Apparently, in their minds, lots of the LGBetc. community, are child molesters, and treating them as such would be bad.  

Think about that: these idiots think a really serious penalty for BUYING A KID FOR SEX is bad...

Then they throw in
Somehow, another speaker threw racism in there, claiming that "under California law, defendants could face years or even decades in prison for sexual violence committed against minors."
All in chorus now: THAT IS THE IDEA, YOU MORONS.

Let's see... first "Actually punishing people for raping kids will disproportionately harm this group!", which is them saying "This group likes to rape kids."  Which, were I homosexual, I'd rather object to.  Then, 'Actually punishing people for this could put them in prison for years!" is an objection to punishing people for raping kids....

Californicated us run by idiots and socialists(certain amount of overlap there), and moral assholes.  And some Democrats want the governor in charge of it to be President.  

Oh HELL no.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    how many of them have kids? or how many of them like to have sex with kids? we still havent seen Epstein's guest list.
