Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A USSS sniper writes a letter saying some nasty truths about the Service,

and you'll love what the Acting Director did with it:
"Who wants to be a part of a USSS CS team that failed? That's the public perception I'm now faced with," he wrote.

The recalcitrant acting Secret Service chief told Senator Blackburn that the letter "hurt him" very much.

"I'm hurt by that email, but not in the way you think I'm saying. I'm hurt because my people are hurting right now. We need them...."

Blackburn asked, "Then when did somebody delete the email" from the agency servers so they wouldn't be discoverable?

He said he'd have to get back to her.

Right,  He'll get right back.  Sometime after hell freezes over.

Oh, he also doesn't want to name any of the people in supervisory roles over this cluster because "It wouldn't be fair."  Also, suspected, is that if he names someone they might actually face punishment, and they can't have that.

The Acting Director: just as corrupted as his predecessor, and just as big an asshole as the EffingBI director.  And chances are neither of them will face any real punishment for anything they've done.

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