Friday, June 28, 2024

There was a case before the Supremes, and the ruling was basically 'Right to trial by jury

still stands.'  Which has a lot of the left in serious upset(which tells you the decision was good).  As Mr. Correia put it:

Speaking of the left panicking, the debate last night apparently really did it:

I admit that was good news to wake up to.  Or, as the Paper of Record put it


  1. Ref FEC Vs's about effing time.

  2. "... the constitutionality of hundreds of statutes may now be in peril."

    She says this as though it was a bad thing.

  3. Anonymous4:51 AM

    So, does the Jarkesy case also apply to every government fine/penalty? Do you think that we can all change our tax withholdings for 2024 to $0.00, and see what happens next April...
